Used Books – Quick & Reliable World Price Comparison

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Used Books Search

A meta search engine for finding used books, textbooks, antiquarian, rare and out of print books . Search, find and buy second hand books online from hundreds of bookstores worldwide. Our used book search engine is linked to thousands of online booksellers via a small number of booklisting services. Go straight to those sites that have your used book for sale by filling in the above form and clicking on the ‘Search’ button.

You may try out a new seller such as AbeBooks, or you could go with the familiar Amazon name. Either way, you have the product at your fingertips instead of getting in the car or on the bus and making the trek to the brick and mortar store. Buying second hand books at the local store is traditional, but buying used books online can be less expensive and it makes comparison-shopping much easier.

Given the choice of buying a used book for one dollar/pound/euro or twenty without any difference in quality….. which one are you going to go for?
Would you spend hours at your local used book store to find they have not got what you need on the shelf anyway? Having a book delivered to your door is a much better option and well worth the little extra and purchasing books new can be extremely expensive anyway, so really the solution is very simple.

Buy through us online.

cheap second hand books

Search Tips
  • Enter a single word (or part word) in any or all of the search boxes.
  • Try not to use specialist characters like ‘&’ or ‘*’ or ‘?’ which may have unexpected results.
  • Click on ‘Search’ when ready for a price comparison.
  • When you see the price you like or the used book site you prefer click on it to transfer to this vender site for the option to buy.
Advanced Used Book Search

If you want to search for a used book located in a particular country only (e.g. USA or UK), then select from the country flag in the top right corner. The default is for bookshops worldwide though you can always toggle to USA or UK after the search.

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